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China-Cambodia Friendship Will Enduring and Both Look forward to Fruitful Future


At the invitationof the Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Cooperation Committee of the Royal Kingdomof Cambodia, He Xian, Executive Director of our college, went to Cambodia for anon-site visit from August 7 to 9.

In the officebuilding of the government of Cambodia, H E. Dr Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and Chairmanof the National Committee of the Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Cooperation, metwith He Xian. The two sides carried out in-depth and friendly talks. Senior MinisterH E. Dr Ly Thuch said that the Cambodian government office building was builtwith the assistance of the Chinese government, which was addressed by Prime MinisterH.E. Samdech Techo Hun Sen, the Building of Friendship to commemorate deep mutualpolitical trust and profound bonds between China and Cambodia. In recent years,China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative has been closely aligned withCambodia's Rectangular Strategy, which brings more opportunities for win-wincooperation. “Cambodia is in a critical period of economic and socialtransformation and needs a large number of professionals in the fields ofinformation technology, intelligent manufacturing and automotive engineering,”saidH E. Dr Ly Thuch. He continued, “ The Training of Intelligent E-Commerce in theEra of Big Data for Intermediate and Senior Managerial Talents from Cambodia wassuccessfully held in Chongqing Creation Vocational College in June, fullydemonstrating your strength in training of talents, skills and internationalcooperation..”He also expressed that our college could continue in-depthcooperation, joined by industry enterprises, with relating colleges anduniversities from Cambodia, and worked together for developing urgentprofessional talents for Cambodia.

On behalf of ourcollege, Executive Director He Xian extended sincere gratitude and benedictionto H E. Dr Ly Thuch, and said, “our college is in positive response to Belt andRoad Initiative while exploring new paths for college-running through internationalcooperation. Taking the training held in this June as an opportunity, ourcollege will further strengthen cooperation with Cambodia, and jointly developtechnical and skill-focused professional talents with international vision.”

On August 9, He Xianpaid a visit to the National Management University of Cambodia. At there, shediscussed and exchanged ideas with the teachers and students there. Vice-PresidentDr. Seng Bunthoeun, who participated in the training event in June, with hisrecalling of the training of more than a month, extended his sincere gratitudefor the academic arrangement, rich and practical teaching and considerateservices provided by our college, while expressing the hope for furthercooperation of both sides and the hope for joining hands on talents training. Mrs.He Xian also extended her gratitude for kind invitation. “The training held inJune is a key move of our college to implement Belt and Road Initiative bygreat support from Chongqing Municipal People's Government, especially the ChongqingMunicipal Education Committee”, she pointed out. She was pleased to hear thatthe students had learned a lot and hoped that they would make full use of whatthey have learned to contribute to the economic and social development ofCambodia. Meanwhile, she expressed her willingness to expand cooperation withCambodia to benefit more Cambodian managerial talents. “Our college is willingto work with the Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Cooperation Committee ofCambodia to jointly nurture talents, to strengthen exchanges and promotedevelopment, and to further deepen the bonds between China and Cambodia andcontribute to the implementation of the the China-proposed Belt and RoadInitiative and Cambodia-proposed Rectangular Strategy,”Mrs. He said. Kom Ribaun,Secretary-General of the Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Cooperation Committeeof the Kingdom of Cambodia, delivered a speech at the meeting. He extended awarm welcome to Mrs. He for her visit and expressed his sincere gratitude forthe training organized by our college. He pointed out that he would continue tosupport in-depth cooperation between the Asia-Pacific Economic and Social CooperationCommittee and our college to train more professional and skill-focused talents.At the meeting, representatives of the students, Cambodian teachers andstudents who had attended the training, gave their speeches respectively.

During the three-dayvisit, Mrs. He’s journey was compact yet fruitful. She met with Nut Unvoanra, DeputySecretary-General of the Development Council of Kingdom of Cambodia, and learnedabout Cambodia's economic development, especially the development prospects andpreferential policies for education. Heng Sokkong, Deputy Minister of Industryand Handicraft Department, had a discussion about the talent demand forindustrial development in Cambodia. She also met with Oknha Sear Rithy, Chairmanof Board of Directors of WorldBridge Group in Cambodia, and discussedfeasibility analysis on the joint establishment of a vocational training centerin the special industrial zone of Cambodia, and visited the Training Center of TextileIndustry Chamber of Commerce.

The on-site visit was a following move oftalent training for our college, which shows our determination to deepeninternational exchanges and cooperation and more contribution to Belt and RoadInitiative. This visit will further promote in-depth cooperation of both sidesand also help develop Cambodia and southeast Asian countries in their urgentneed for professional and skill-focused talents. Meanwhile, it is a reflectionof our college to build up a community of common destiny for all.