

Good News: Our College Won Second Prize at 2018 1st Session of International Selection Competition of Industrial Robot Installation, Debugging and Maintenance Competition (College Group) in 2018 Belt & Road and BRICS Skills Development & Technology Innova


From July 14 to17, 2018 1st Session of of International Selection Competition of Industrial RobotInstallation, Debugging and Maintenance Competition (College Group) in 2018Belt & Road and BRICS Skills Development & Technology InnovationCompetition was successfully completed. There was in total 52 teams from China,Cambodia, Mongolia, Austria, Uzbekistan and other countries gathering togetherin the competition. 104 competitors both at home and abroad participated in thefinal. Under the guidance of Zhang Guo and Xie Xiang, who were our teachersworking in High-Tech Base at our college, contestants Wang li and Ye Chuanminwon second prize.