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A Memorandum of Understanding Signed with Seneca


On November 29, Kathleen Wynne, Governorof Ontario,Canada, led a trade delegation to Chongqing and signed 16 cooperativeagreements with Chinese enterprises and institutions, with a total agreement amountof more than 300 million RMB. As one of the important educational cooperation units,our college signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Seneca College, thelargest college of applied technology in Canada.

At 9 am, in the presence of KathleenWynne, Liu Guiping, Vice Mayor of Chongqing , our Executive Director He Xian andPresident Dai Wei, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with President DavidAgnew of Seneca College and Director Nick Huang of International Department. Bothcolleges will give full play to their advantages, cultivate high-quality skill-focusedtalents with international vision in the future who will serve for localeconomic and social development.

After the signing ceremony, PresidentDavid Agnew, Director Nick Huang and Mrs. Renata Dinnocenzo came to our collegefor a field investigation, accompanied by Executive Director He Xian, PresidentDai Wei, Vice-Presidents such as Tian Yiping, Liu Hongfei, Wan Bing and Chen Hao.

In the beginning, President David Agnewand his delegation went to the training center of Civil and Architectural Engineering,where they were briefed by Vice-President Chen Hao and learned about thefacilities, equipment and construction of the center. They highly appreciated ourmodular teaching system based on working process, teaching and our practicaltraining methods applied for cultivating practice-focused talents. In the Buildingof Science and Technology, they watched a class that integrated bothmethodology and practice. They affirmed the reform of our teaching model whichcould help to improve students' hands-on capability. After that, they went tothe 14th floor to learn more about construction,planning and development of ourcollege.

After this field investigation, bothsides went back to the conference room to discuss the follow-up cooperation. OurPresident and Dr. Dai Wei, briefly introduced the basic situation anddevelopment planning of our college, which was fully affirmed by PresidentDavid Agnew in aspects such as the philosophy, teaching conditions andconstruction.President David Agnew was full of expectation for futurecooperation between both sides. Both colleges will give full play to advantagesin college-running, strengthen cooperation in many aspects such as professionaltalents training, construction of experimental and training base, faculty construction,curriculum resources construction, and will jointly explore diversified runningmodes for vocational education.

On behalf of our college, President Dai Weisent a gift to the delegation. Representatives from both sides took a group photoin front of Science and Technology Building.

Recalling the past, the truly great mencome together for learning from each other. Look to this age, our wills unitetogether like a fortress to make greater achievements. In 2015, our collegereached a preliminary agreement on cooperation with Seneca College onco-construction of training base. In September of 2016, our President Dai Wei,leda delegation of 26 people consisting of leaders and academic pacemakers, and  went to Canada for a 15-day inspection andtraining, which played a positive role in improving the overall management andteaching quality of our college. The visit of Seneca college this time willfurther facilitate the the cooperation between the both sides and open a newchapter for the international cooperation of our college.

Executive Director He Xian was Signing theMemorandum of Understanding with President David Agnew from Seneca College

President DavidAgnew and Delegation was Visiting Training Center for Civil and ArchitecturalEngineering

President DavidAgnew and His Delegation was Visiting Training Center for Civil and ArchitecturalEngineering

David AgnewPresented at the Meeting

Directors andLeaders of Both Sides were Discussing Diversified College-Running Modes forVocational Education

President Dai Weiof was Introducing College-Running Condition

In 2016,Delegation of Our College Went toSeneca for Inspection and Took a Group Photo with Their Leaders Group Photo ofDirectors and Leaders of Both Sides