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News & Events

Leaders from Hoseo University Came for Communication and Exchange


On November 30, Piao Xuehao, ExecutiveVice-President and Yun Sojung, Director of International Exchange andCooperation Department of Hoseo University of South Korea, paid a visit to ourcollege for communication and exchange. Chen Zhibiao, Secretary of the PartyCommittee and Feng Gang, Vice President of our college, received all the guestsin the meeting room on the 13th floor.

During the meeting, Secretary Chen Zhibiaoextended his sincere welcome to the leaders from Hoseo University and SichuanInternational Studies University. He introduced at length the situation of ourcollege-running, structure and the training conditions, as well as ouradvantages and highlights. “Our college resolutely implements the Party's  policies on education, sticks to non-profiteducation while focusing on college connotation development”,he said.Meanwhile, Vice President Feng Gang introduced the teaching, research,major-settings and the construction of our college.

After that, Vice President Piao Xuehaoextended thanks for the warm reception and appreciated beautiful sights of ourcampus. At the same time, he introduced the majors of Hoseo University such asCosmetics Engineering, Physical Therapy, Architecture,Civil and ArchitecturalEngineering, Designing, as well as other famous majors and advantages of theUniversity. He proposed “2.5+0.5+1” cooperation model. This model refers tothat students, who study in China for two years, will continue their learningat Hoseo University for one more year and then work as interns for another halfa year.

This talk between two sides aimed to builda preliminary understanding of philosophies, training models, correlatinghardware and software for education of both sides, while strengtheningcommunication,exchange and cooperation.

Secretary of Party Committee and Professor Chen Zhibiaowas Speaking

Executive Vice-President Piao Xuehao from Hoseo Universitywas Speaking

During the


Vice-President Feng Gang was Speaking

Yun Sojung, Director of International Exchange andCooperation Department from Hoseo University

Photo of Leadersfrom Our College and Guests from Hoseo University